My Offer To You...

Do you feel like you're turning in a circle and just can’t get any further?
Is there a big goal you have in mind but don’t know where to start?
Are you at a turning point and you feel change is inevitable but you’re not sure how to cope with it?
As a personal coach I support you to find your answers to the questions and challenges you are facing in your life right now. Being willing and ready to change your habits and being open to go new ways are key factors to a successful outcome.
One coaching session is usually 1-1.5 hours.
Most coachings are done online by video conference but you can also meet me in person either in New Zealand (Whenuakite) or Switzerland (Bassersdorf).
Or would you like to book me for a group session for your team? Get in touch with me and let's see how I can support you.

Emotional Clearing
How would life feel if you could let go of some baggage?
This is not just wishful thinking, it can become reality!
Emotional Clearing, officially named “The Spiral”, was originally created by Dane Tomas in 2012 and has become increasingly recognised as an essential tool for profound personal and professional transformation.
It combines cutting edge models and clearing technologies for understanding human behaviour with muscle-testing (also used in kinesiology) and acupressure points to clear the emotional baggage that prevents people from living to their fullest potential.
The system uses a framework drawn from Spiral Dynamics, David Hawkins “Scale of Consciousness” and a modern re-interpretation of the seven energy centres in our body (chakra system).
Sign up for an eight week program where I will guide you through the process that delves into the 22 emotions common to human experience.
This process is a very effective and efficient way to free you up from old emotional baggage with life lasting results!
Or book me for a single coaching session where we can use emotional clearing as a tool to clear blocks in a specific life area or challenge in your life right now. For example, clear outworn emotions around giving and receiving to attract more wealth in your life; or become clear about your life purpose; or clear what is holding you back and manifest your dream lifestyle.
For more information about The Spiral have a look at these two videos by the creator - Dane Tomas:
Spiral Level one
An introduction to the self-clearing tool - Clear Your Shit

Do you feel like escaping for a little while?
Do you need some time to rest and to contemplate?
We offer a quiet space in our cottages in a beautiful organic orchard on the Coromandel Peninsula, New Zealand.
You have the following options:
Rent one of our cottages or our simple caravan by paying full rate with the option to book some coaching with your retreat.
Rent one of our cottages or our simple caravan and contribute a few hours of work in the orchard as exchange and pay some of the rate (percentage is flexible) with the option to book some coaching with your retreat.
Get in touch with us to customise your stay according to your needs and budget.